Welcome to the Certification and Training Portal at UGA Urban Ag

Training for Urban Ag Professionals

The Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture is pleased to present online training and study resources for green-industry professionals.


Georgia Certified Landscape Professional Program

The course can only be accessed through administrative enrollment. To register, please visit: https://estore.uga.edu/C27063_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=53


Georgia Certified Plant Professional Study Resources

The course can only be accessed through administrative enrollment. To register, please visit: https://estore.uga.edu/C27063_ustores/web/store_main.jsp?STOREID=53


Super Crew Urban Agriculture Online Training (English Version)

Welcome to the Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture Training Site! The courses provided include knowledge quizzes, educational videos, and interactive study tools for Urban Agriculture Professionals.

Once you have logged in, you may choose the following courses below:

Georgia Certified Landscape Professional


Georgia Certified Plant Professional


SuperCrew Online Training Course
